Selling a Business

exit plan
The Simple Seven Step Exit Plan

The copious amount of exit planning information available on the internet combined with the day-to-day stress of running a business causes many business owners to avoid exit planning altogether. However, without a plan, you will not be able to maximize the value of the business that you have worked so hard to build. The other reality…

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sell a business with real estate
Selling a Business with Real Estate

This article was originally published on Western Investor by Arthur Klein of Pacific M&A and Business Broker Ltd. Selling your business can be a successful, organized process or it can be stressful and out of control, with money left on the table. Compound that with the sale of land and buildings and you have even more to…

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red flag
Red Flags in the Sunset

This article was originally published by Deal Studio on March 22, 2016. Unlike that poetic title of an old-time standard song, Red Sails in the Sunset, red flags are not a pretty sight. They can cause a deal to crater. Sellers have to learn to recognize situations indicating there might be a problem in their…

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